Sunday, January 13, 2013

缇庡浗浼楃 American Gods_354

hen, thought Shadow. His head lolled to one side. Something ran down the tree trunk beside him,coach canada, stopping beside his head; It cluttered loudly in his ear, one word, which sounded a lot like "ratatosk." Shadow tried to repeat it, but his tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth. He turned, slowly, and stared into the gray-brown face and pointed ears of a squirrel.
In close-up, he learned, a squirrel looks a lot less cute than it does from a distance,nike air max uk. The creature was ratlike and dangerous, not sweet or charming. And its teeth looked sharp, He hoped that it would not perceive him as a threat, or as a food source. He did not think that squirrels were carnivorous...but then, so many things he had thought were not had turned out to be so...
He slept,link.
The pain woke him several times in the next few hours. It pulled him from a dark dream in which dead children rose and came to him, their eyes peeling, swollen pearls, and they reproached him for failing them. A spider edged across his face, and he woke. He shook his head, dislodging or frightening it, and returned to his dreams-and now an elephant-headed man, potbellied, one tusk broken, was riding toward him on the back of a huge mouse. The elephant-headed man curled his trunk toward Shadow and said, "If you had invoked me before you began this journey, perhaps some of your troubles might have been avoided." Then the elephant took the mouse, which had, by some means that Shadow could not perceive, become tiny while not changing in size at all, and passed it from hand to hand to hand, fingers curling about it as the little creature scampered from palm to palm, and Shadow was not at all surprised when the elephant-headed god finally opened all four of his hands to reveal them perfectly empty. He shrugged arm after arm after arm in a peculiar fluid motion, and looked at Shadow, his face unreadable.
"It's in the trunk," Shadow told the elephant man. He had been watching as the flickering tail vanished.
The elephant man nodded his huge head, and said, "Yes. In the trunk. Yo

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