Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Subtle Knife濂ョ鍖曢_059

"I done that before. I betrayed someone. And it was the worst thing I ever did. I thought I was saving his life actually, only I was taking him right to the most dangerous place there could be. I hated myself for that, for being so stupid. So I'll try very hard not to be careless or forget and betray you."
He said nothing. He rubbed his eyes and blinked hard to try and wake himself up.
"We can't go back through the window till much later," he said. "We shouldn't have come through in daylight anyway. We can't risk anyone seeing. And now we've got to hang around for hours…"
"I'm hungry," Lyra said,jordans for sale.
Then he said, "I know,cheap jordan shoes! We can go to the cinema!"
"The what?"
"I'll show you. We can get some food there too."
There was a cinema near the city center, ten minutes' walk away. Will paid for both of them to get in, and bought hot dogs and popcorn and Coke, and they carried the food inside and sat down just as the film was beginning.
Lyra was entranced. She had seen projected photograms, but nothing in her world had prepared her for the cinema. She wolfed down the hot dog and the popcorn, gulped the Coca-Cola, and gasped and laughed with delight at the characters on the screen. Luckily it was a noisy audience, full of children, and her excitement wasn't conspicuous. Will closed his eyes at once and went to sleep.
He woke when he heard the clatter of seats as people moved out, and blinked in the light. His watch showed a quarter past eight. Lyra came away reluctantly.
"That's the best thing I ever saw in my whole life," she said. "I dunno why they never invented this in my world. We got some things better than you, but this was better than anything we got."
Will couldn't even remember what the film had been. It was still light outside, and the streets were busy.
"D'you want to see another one?"
So they went to the next cinema, a few hundred yards away around the corner, and did it again, Lyra settled down with her feet on the seat, hugging her knees,, and Will let his mind go blank. When they

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